The clock is ticking for the MI healthcare exchange
March 21, 2013IL considers two bills for healthcare exchange
March 25, 2013The clock is ticking for the MI healthcare exchange
March 21, 2013IL considers two bills for healthcare exchange
March 25, 2013As many states move ahead with the implementation of healthcare exchanges and employers confront the Affordable Care Act’s mandates, a recent survey determined the majority of Americans do not understand health reform.
The Kaiser Family Foundation released the results of a poll of 1,204 uninsured adults on Wednesday. More than three-quarters of respondents said they not understand how the ACA will affect them. In addition, the majority of respondents expressed a negative perception of healthcare reform.
States face a deadline of October 1 to open enrollment on their exchanges. While many are setting up websites and call centers to educate residents, nearly half of Kaiser’s survey respondents said they do not know if their state is operating its own exchange. Fifty-seven percent believe the ACA includes a public healthcare option, which is does not.
“Overall, the evidence suggests that the Obama administration, state governments, advocates and the healthcare industry have a big job ahead of them to educate the public by 2014,” the Kaiser Family Foundation stated on its website.
School districts, agencies and other public employers may want to consider helping employees better understand what healthcare reform entails to ensure they are making the best decisions.