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Federal employees hope to keep current health plans

Under healthcare reform, public sector workers are able to choose their current health plans, and a recent survey found many federal employees plan to do just that.

According to Forbes, a survey of 2,500 federal workers was conducted by and found only 2.9 percent of the public-sector staff members said they would enter the new health insurance exchanges. In fact, the overwhelming majority reported they plan on keeping their current health insurance rather than choose a new plan.

Retirement was also an issue for federal workers, as 96.1 percent said they wanted to stay with their retirement health insurance rather then use a new plan.

According to the source, many public workers see healthcare reform as too costly compared to current health insurance plans through their federal employers. For many federal employees and retirees, entering the health insurance exchanges may not improve their level of subsidies because the federal government already chips in for a considerable amount of healthcare coverage costs. 

Another poll of federal workers, this time by the Office of Personnel Management, will be conducted in the next month regarding public-sector employees’ needs and health benefit concerns.

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Erin Woulfe
Erin Woulfe
Erin Woulfe likes to write about things that matter. Keeping her finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the public sector world, she blogs about the latest legislative news and employee benefit trends that affect our school, city and county clients. She’s been with NIS since 2002. “I love connecting to our clients and providing them with the tools they need in order to administrate their plan,” says Erin. “Whether that be materials to educate their employees on certain benefits, how to effectively communicate change within an organization or just providing tips and how-to’s to help them make their job easier.”

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