
Content Cat 411

What is Content Marketing?

As a company, NIS has moved away from Traditional Advertising and is transitioning over to Content Marketing.

Traditional Advertising is where we are shouting from rooftops and telling our customers and prospects why we are so awesome… via ads, direct mail, spam email and cold calls.

Content Marketing is sharing our expertise instead….sharing relevant content with them… that our customers want to consume. NIS’ goal is to become “the source” for knowledge about employee benefits for our customers and prospective customers.

What is content?

Content is a tasty morsel of information designed for consumption. It can be engaging, inspiring, educational, relevant or enlightening. Content can be in the form of an article, blog post, whitepaper, ebook, newsletter, checklist, buyer’s guide, interview, infographic… even just a picture that is shared on social media.

What is Content Cat looking for?

Content Cat wants your ideas about everything you think our customers would be interested in consuming (reading, sharing, viewing, studying, learning….) Don’t worry, you don’t have to write anything – Content Cat will do all the work – he just wants your ideas.

You work with our customers every day. What would make our customer’s life a little easier? A comparison chart of some kind? A step-by-step guide to ACA compliance issues? An article about the top 10 billing mistakes? What are their concerns? What’s tripping them up?

What do you do with the ideas I submit to Content Cat?

Your ideas are put onto a big list of content ideas. Every quarter, we poll our Execs, VPs, Salespeople, Managers, etc. and have them vote on which topics they think are most popular/relevant at the moment. The ‘winning’ ideas will be turned into some great content including whitepapers, case studies, articles and more. If your idea is chosen and you are the expert on that topic, we may interview you for more details and put your name as the author (that’s called a byline in “journalism-speak.”)

How can I submit my idea?

  1. Email us
  2. Enter online