Study: Health plan cancelations under ACA may have been unavoidable
April 28, 2014 remains under construction
April 30, 2014
Study: Health plan cancelations under ACA may have been unavoidable
April 28, 2014 remains under construction
April 30, 2014
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CMS wants to make it harder to become a navigator

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently proposed to put more restrictions on navigators of the federal and state health insurance exchanges, according to Modern Healthcare.

CMS is looking to create stricter standards for navigators during the next round of enrollment. According to the 300-page document CMS issued, the CMS is wants to make it more difficult for navigators to promote their own products and services. Navigators would also need to receive authorization to access consumers’ personally identifiable information, and navigators wouldn’t be able to charge people for their services. According to Modern Healthcare, there is also a section of the proposal that suggests state laws or elements of them may be pre-empted if they “prevent the application of the provisions of Title I of the Affordable Care Act.”

Some of these proposals aren’t being met with support from many in healthcare, with one organization saying they don’t take into account limitations of federal power in the ACA.

Tightening navigators’ rules and requirements was just part of the document, which also included suggestions for health insurance discontinuation and renewal, to name a few, Modern Healthcare reported.

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Erin Woulfe
Erin Woulfe
Erin Woulfe likes to write about things that matter. Keeping her finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the public sector world, she blogs about the latest legislative news and employee benefit trends that affect our school, city and county clients. She’s been with NIS since 2002. “I love connecting to our clients and providing them with the tools they need in order to administrate their plan,” says Erin. “Whether that be materials to educate their employees on certain benefits, how to effectively communicate change within an organization or just providing tips and how-to’s to help them make their job easier.”

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